If you want your special pet (or 2 pets) created in 3d on a pendant or charm... we can do that for you.
The cost to create a charm or pendant of a mix breed or personal pet is $275.for the 1st piece (Charm or Pendant) and $50 for each additional item. It usually takes 2 months for us to create the first piece.
We usually like to receive about 12 head photos taken from different angles and distances
Los Wonkalerros
Pyppee, Alfiler, Lleo & BubbaLou
For nearly 20 years we have been Hollywood’s “go to” jewelers for television and films. In our spare time, we design and make jewelry that we like to wear. Most pieces are inspired by our rescue dogs, Pyppee, Alfiler, Lleo and BubbaLou, but we also make items with other themes, like skulls, pirates, tikis, Vikings, tattoos, etc.